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Garage Door Springs Near Me Sugar Land TX

We Work With All Springs

Torsion, Extension, You Name it...

Garage Door Springs

Door Springs | Garage Door Repair Sugar Land, TX

What Do They Do Exactly?

For your garage door to lift and close properly, a working spring is absolutely vital. Its function is to store energy when the door goes down, and then release that energy when it's time to lift the door back up. There are two types that are generally used, torsion and extension. With torsion, the energy is stored up through a twisting motion, whereas extension means that the unit fully stretches out, then contracts back in.

Torsion springs tend to be more expensive, but are often preferred because they last longer than the extension type. They’re also less complicated, and are much safer when they break.

We Can Take Care Of Either!

Whichever type of spring your garage is equipped with, our experts have worked with both for many years, and have gained an extensive wealth of knowledge when it comes to repairing either type. If your door only goes up several inches and then stops, or even if it simply shakes a little as it moves, professional inspection may be required.

We’ll give it a look and see if it’s something that can be repaired on the spot, or needs to be replaced. Over the years, as your door goes through daily use, its springs can get worn down until they eventually need to be switched out altogether. On the other hand, you may simply decide that you’d like to upgrade from extension to torsion for the sake of your family's safety, as well for the potential increase in lifespan. Whatever the case may be, our professionals will be happy to help get things back in working order in no time. Your busy life shouldn’t be put on hold while you wait for your garage door to be usable again. That's why we do our best to make sure any service we provide gets done quickly, without sacrificing quality in the process of course.

Don’t Wait Any Longer!

If you think your spring may be in a worse than optimal condition, or you simply want to get it upgraded, call our Garage Door Repair Sugar Land team today! We can't wait to help.

In addition, we offer:

Part Replacement & Lubrication

Genie Garage Door Openers

Oil Tempered Torsion Springs

Emergency Garage Door Services


If you have any questions, our experts are at your service. Leave your contact information below and our team will quickly get back to you!


Count on our team for top quality repairs, friendly professional service and guaranteed satisfaction. Our experts are the perfect choice to solve any garage door problem.

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* $29 service call - deducted from the service

Select Date and time
Mar 31, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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